Dixons Unity Academy | Student bag policy
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Dixons Unity Academy

Student bag policy

Posted 10th March 2025

Dear family

I am writing to remind you of our uniform policy, with a specific reference to the bags that we expect students to carry.

As you are aware, the bags that students use are dependent upon their year group and were provided in the first instance at cost to the school.  These bags were issued along with expectations as to the condition in which these bags were to be kept.  It was detailed to both students and home that customising bags through appropriate badges and stitching was acceptable, whereas graffiti would not be. 

I am writing to remind families of this and outlining that from Monday 31 March, any student with a bag that does not meet our expectations of presentation will be issued with a loan bag until this is resolved by families.  As this is also a student having incorrect uniform, they would also incur a 30-minute correction.

If your child’s bag does not meet uniform expectations, then please purchase a new one, through either the uniform shop, link here

Thank you for your continued support in upholding high expectations of both behaviour and uniform.

Yours faithfully

Mr J McCormack

Assistant Vice Principal