Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - September 2023
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update - September 2023

Posted 29th September 2023


We are launching an online form to allow families to notify the attendance team of their child's absence from school. Further communication regarding this will follow in due course.

We have seen an improvement in students attending corrections, as a result we will no longer be issuing 90 minutes corrections.

Year 7 settling in evening will take place Thursday 12 October.

Year 11 Revision Residential is taking place next weekend, 6 to 8 October. We will be launching a residential for Year 7 and 8 for Early 2024.

Earlier this month we held a parent forum regarding our Ofsted Inspection. The notes from this can be found on our website or using the link here.

Finally thank you for supporting with students arriving with the full uniform and correct equipment, we have noticed a huge improvement in students arriving to school fully equipped and ready to learn.