Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - November 2023
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update - November 2023

Posted 24th November 2023


Community Hub times have changed and will now open 9.20am to 11.30am every Friday. We are looking to see if we can open the Community Hub on an afternoon, more information regarding this will be release soon.

Winter Fair will take place on 9 December - All proceeds will be split between the Unity Community and the Student Experience Day later in the academic year.

Thank you to all the families and students that support the uniform consultation, this closes Friday 24 November. Results will be shared shortly.

Next week is Careers week, look out on our social media for the exciting things our students will be taking part in.

Recognition Evening will take place on Thursday 30 November, if your child is receiving an award you should have already received and invite letter.

Rachel Reeves MP will be visiting school on Friday 1 December to talk about Ofsted and local community issues.

We are considering making this a weekly update and would like your feedback on our social media post if you feel that this would useful for you.

We are proud of our Year 11 students for their focus on their mock exams over the past two weeks. It is really important that they keep working hard to maximise their results for GCSE's

Please continue to send Mr Tonks your good news stories of what your child is involved in outside of school.