Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - End of Year
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update - End of Year

Posted 19th July 2024

Dear families

As we approach the end of the 2023-24 academic year, I am writing to you to firstly thank you for your support this academic year and secondly give you important information about the start of the new term.

Ofsted Inspection

I am delighted to let you know that during the recent inspection Dixons Unity Academy was graded as ‘Good’ - a significant improvement since the last inspection and the first time in the history of this academy or its predecessor. The change in outcome has been rapid and is a testament to the hard work of staff, students and the essential support from our Unity Community. There are a number of statements throughout the report that indicate the significant improvements in the academy including:

  • Pupils benefit from orderly classrooms and improving behaviour on site.
  • Pupils experience consistent routines and common approaches to teaching. This creates a strong focus on learning.
  • Staff are particularly mindful of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
  • Pupils are acquiring greater knowledge and skills than was previously the case.
  • The school is building stronger links with the wider community.

The report in full can be found here: Dixons-Unity-Academy-Ofsted-Report-July-2024.pdf (dixonsat.com). We are grateful to you all, our Unity Community, for your support as we have made necessary and impactful progress this year. Our community is now served by a ‘Good’ school, and we will continue our work together next year, ensuring we are always improving for the children we serve.

Y11 Results Day

On Thursday 22 August 2024, Y11 are invited to collect their GCSE results between 10.00am and 11.00am. If students are unable to attend then, in advance, they will need to bring a signed letter into Main Reception stating their name and the full name of the person collecting their results. In addition, post-16 providers will be in attendance to support Y11 students with their next steps. Ms Paddy has sent a separate letter with full details. We look forward to seeing Y11 on 22 August.


As you will know, attendance continues to be a priority for Dixons Unity, and we are proud that more students than ever before are attending every day. For clarity, the expectation is that a phone call is made on the first and every subsequent day of absence. Any families who are not in attendance and do not phone school to speak to a member of the attendance team could have the absence coded as unauthorised. The legal guidance on attendance is changing and families can be fined £160 for unauthorised attendance. There is a commitment from the local authority to intervene earlier with attendance concerns. From an academy perspective we know that students who attend more achieve better outcomes. Please do continue to support the academy and your child to achieve the minimum attendance target of 95%.

Staffing Updates

As is customary at the end of the academic year we will be saying our goodbyes to staff who have served the academy so well. We wish those staff well in their new opportunities. I would like to draw particular attention to two long serving members of staff, Ms Godwin (10 years) and Ms Hamilton (5 years). To commit such a length of time to one academy is admirable and we are incredibly grateful for their service. We have completed recruitment of teaching staff for next academic year and have a small number of associate staff to recruit. If you are interested in any of the opportunities more details can be found here: https://www.joindixonsat.com/.


Parents and students had the opportunity to feedback on our uniform consultation and, as a result, some changes were made. Below confirms uniform expectations which come into place from September 2024. Branded items can be purchased form the uniform shop directly or from our pop-up shop held on Monday 22 July 2024 from 9.00am to 3.00pm at Dixons Unity.

  • Black trousers (not jeans, leggings or tracksuit bottoms).
  • White buttoned shirt.
  • DUA branded grey / black / blue blazer and / or jumper.
  • Black polishable shoes or boots (not trainers or pumps).
  • No jewellery except a plain watch (smart watches are not allowed). A Sikh Kara may also be worn.
  • No unnatural hair colours. No false nails. No false eyelashes.
  • Students can opt to wear plain black salwar kameez or tunic with a white blouse / shirt. with the academy blazer over the top. 
  • Hijabs, scarves, turbans, crowns, and top knots, worn for religious reasons, must be plain black and well secured.
  • Academy bag in the correct colour for their year group.

School Day

In addition to our uniform consultation, we also consulted on the school day. Following this consultation, the school day is changing from September. Students should arrive to the academy by 8.18am ready for an 8.20am start in Morning Meeting. Gates will open for students for breakfast club from 7.50am. Students will also finish school at the slightly earlier time of 3.00pm and clubs and intervention will run until 4.00pm.

As a result of changes to the school day the timings for corrections will also change. Students receiving a 30-minute same day correction will finish at 3.30pm, 60-minute corrections will finish at 4.00pm and reset corrections will finish at 4.30pm. Attendance at corrections is compulsory and we appreciate support from families in upholding this expectation.

Unity Community

The Unity Community will be open in a limited format throughout most of the summer. Our £1 Pantry Packs will be available to collect on the following Wednesdays between 1:00pm and 3:00pm:

  • 24 July
  • 31 July
  • 7 August
  • 21 August

The Unity Community will reopen fully on Friday 30 August 09:30-11:15. We are already looking forward to welcoming you in. The Unity Community email address - unitycommunity@dixonsua.com - will be checked several times per week throughout the holidays, so do reach out if there is anything you need support with. Please keep an eye out on Facebook for announcements of gardening activities, which will take place when the weather allows.

Start of Term Arrangements

The new academic year begins with our ‘Meet the Tutor’ day on Monday 2 September 2024. Families will receive a dedicated time slot to come in, meet their tutor and receive their equipment pack and further information on the coming year. Attendance from all students and families is compulsory.

On Tuesday 3 September 2024, Y7 only will be expected to attend the academy for their induction day. The school day will begin at 8.20am with students arriving by 8.18am.

On Wednesday 4 September 2024, all students are required to attend by 8.18am and students will move straight into lines on the piazza. On Wednesday 4 September only, students in Y7 will finish at 2.50pm to allow a slightly staggered exit.

Students who are placed in Connect have had individual letters detailing their start of term arrangements.

Finally, I would like to point you to a range of support that is available to you should you require it during the half-term holidays. These services work closely and can signpost to others who also may be able to help Dixons Unity Academy | Family Support (dixonsua.com). Our safeguarding email is also monitored over the summer, to reach our safeguarding team email safeguardingteam@dixonsua.com.

I wish you all a fantastic summer and look forward to seeing you in the new academic year.

Mr A Jacobs