Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's update - 7 February 2025
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's update - 7 February 2025

Posted 7th February 2025


Dear families

Happy Friday, we have one more week until our half-term holiday. This will be the final update of his half-term so please read / watch carefully as there is important information to share!

This week our Y7 and Y9 students have continued to demonstrated fantastic commitment to their cycle assessments. These will now be marked and results shared in due course. Alongside these assessments we have had trips out to Leeds City College, fixtures in basketball, netball and athletics and a visit to our LGBT club from Kathryn Irish who works for Leeds City Council.

Next week, our final week of this term, a number of our students are visiting Malham on our fourth (yes fourth!) residential of this year. I know they are very excited - as are the teachers! In addition to the residential we have a follow up self defence class after a successful first run last half term and a Y7 rugby fixture. On Thursday, we will be closing the school to students for half term at 12:30. Please adjust travel arrangements if required. On Friday, the school is closed to students due to a staff training day.

Students return to school on Monday 24 February. They need to be in school by 8.18am in full school uniform, fully equipped and ready to learn. We have a very busy first week back. Y11s will be taking part in their Spanish speaking mocks, Y9 have a women of the future event, Y8 boys and girls have tag rugby fixtures and Y11 (after finishing their speaking mocks) are participating in the made in Yorkshire challenge - what a start to term!

In addition, on 25 February and 27 February we are hosting a parents' evening for Y7 and Y9 families. Families only need to attend one of the two dates (whichever works for them) and should book through the parents evening booking system. If you have any issues with booking appointments, please do not hesitate to contact us via Main Reception. 

Finally, the end of term offers us a natural reflection point. We continue to see improvements in attendance, behaviour and learning throughout the building. I would like us to continue to work together on improving behaviour in the community and on the way to and from school. Our values of integrity, resilience and respect are not just words on our walls. They are how we should live our lives, in school and out. We want our students, families and community to be proud of our school and therefore we must always keep the highest expectations of our own behaviour. By doing this, we will continue to grow as people and go on to live happy and purposeful lives.

Have a great weekend and a great holiday when it comes.

Mr Jacobs