Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - 6 December 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

Our academy is now closed for the Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday 6 January

Principal's Update - 6 December 2024

Posted 6th December 2024

Dear families,

A very happy, albeit wet, Friday to you!

This time of term is always challenging, the nights draw in and a long term feels even longer. It's all the more impressive with that in mind that both behaviour and attendance continues to show significant improvement on last year. 

I am pleased to share with you that the results for this summer show that we are the 5th most improved school in Leeds and in the top 8% of most improved schools in West Yorkshire. This is reflective of the hard work of staff, students and families alike. Our Year 11s are working incredibly hard and continuing with this resilience and effort will mean further improvements in results. That, combined with recently being rated as Good, by Ofsted shows that we are a school moving in the right direction!

Speaking of moving, the PE department have continued to encourage after school movement this week with indoor athletics and badminton fixtures. Outside of sport, we've had visits to Abbey Grange, a visit from 24 local primary school staff and today Year 7 have visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park! Thanks also to all families who attended the KS4 Open Evening, I think the loaded fries seemed to be the highlight based on the feedback we gathered!

Next week is our penultimate week of term but that doesn't mean we're slowing down. We have our Year 7 residential all week up at Howtown, a KS4 art gallery visit and Christmas crafts at the Unity Community on Friday as well as more badminton fixtures, this time for Year 10 and Year 11. Next week is a big week for Year 11, on Thursday they will be receiving their Year 11 Mock 1 results and have opportunities to discuss these with their teachers. Places and appointments are filling up fast so please ensure that you book on via the parents evening booking system.

That's all for this week, see you in the next update!

Mr A Jacobs