Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update - 4 October 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update - 4 October 2024

Posted 4th October 2024

Dear families,

We've reached the end of Week 6 - two to go until a well earned two week break.

Our students have been incredibly busy this week with cross country, football and rugby fixtures alongside assessments for Year 8 and Year 10. I would like to thank everyone who attended the Parent Forum on Tuesday. It was valuable for us to get feedback from families and I hope it was valuable for you too hearing about Literacy and Post 16.

Next week as well as assessments continuing (reports will be with you around the 8 November) we have a boatload more fixtures in rugby, football and netball and a visit from our safeguarding Trustee. We also have photographs for Year 7 and Year 10 on Monday - make sure that uniform is clean and hair is combed! Next Friday morning, I would like to invite you to the Unity Community for our Diwali themed celebration in readiness for the end of October! 

Finally, also next Friday, fifty Year 11s are going on their revision residential this weekend. A huge thank you to all staff who are supporting and a huge thank you to the students in advance for all the hard work that they are going to be putting in!

Have a great weekend when it arrives.

Mr A Jacobs