Dixons Unity Academy | Principal's Update 17 May 2024
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Dixons Unity Academy

Principal's Update 17 May 2024

Posted 17th May 2024

Dear families

I hope that you have had an excellent week. I asked last week if summer had arrived and the universe has answered with a resounding no. But the damp weather has not dampened the spirits of staff and students at Dixons Unity as we have had another brilliant week.

This week our Year 11s have continued their fantastic start to the exam series - they are working incredibly hard and their conduct has been super. We have had various sporting events happening this week including athletics yesterday and a tight game against DTC in the girls netball. On Monday we hosted our Year 10 revision evening and it was great to see so many students and families there to learn about what is coming up and how best to support the students.

I want to draw your attention to a few things this week. Firstly, we have updated our family support, Unity Community and useful resources website pages. All of these pages provide a range of information and links to services that may be helpful to you should you require additional support. A special thanks to Jo Gittins and Sarah Clynes for putting these together.

On Wednesday at 5pm we have the first of many (we hope) drop in information sessions. The first session is based around post-16 and the careers programme at Dixons Unity. This is a great opportunity for all parents, but particularly Year 9 and Year 10 families to drop in and find out about the world of post-16 applications and next steps. We have visitors in from local colleges and a VR experience that should add value to the information that we will be providing. It would be great to see many of you in attendance.

Finally, on Friday we break up at 12.20pm for our May half term break. Please, if required, adjust pick up times to facilitate this.

As always I thank you for your support.

Mr A Jacobs