Principals Update - 14 June 2024
Posted 17th June 2024
Dear families
This week was bittersweet. We celebrated 5 years at Dixons Unity Academy with Year 11 as we said goodbye during our leavers assembly on Wednesday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them, and their families, for their hard work and commitment over the last 5 years. You were a fantastic year group and I wish you luck and success in the future.
There has been a lot happening this week. We have continued with our transition visits at local primary schools including Castleton and Five Lanes with lots more coming up next week. Year 6 families will receive a letter next week with information about our transition days - so please look out for this! Also this week we had our Bronze DofE practice walk, rounders fixtures, athletics fixtures and gifted and talented visits to the Sheffield United FC academy. All of these events take commitment from staff and students and I am so proud at the sheer volume of opportunities we now have at Dixons Unity.
I am delighted to say that we have a full compliment of teaching staff for September and I will share details of new staff in the coming weeks. We have a number of associate vacancies including Behaviour Support Worker, Cover Supervisor and Administrator. If you, or anyone you know are interested in the roles then click here: Vacancies - Dixons Academies Careers ( to find out more and apply.
Next week we are continuing with our Year 6 transition visits and also have visitors from our CEO, Luke Sparkes, and a visit from Rebekah Ramsden from Astrea Academy Trust. I am excited to share our improvement progress with them.
Our local ambassadors (what most schools call governors) have asked me to let you know that on Wednesday next week it is national thank a teacher day. I am sure you would agree that the teachers at DUA work incredibly hard and I am sure would be delighted to hear your kind words. If you are interested in sharing any kind messages then information about the day can be found here: or you can email and we will ensure all messages are passed on.
We have five weeks to go until the summer holidays so please do continue to support us with ensuring your child is at school every day, on time, in full uniform and fully equipped so that they are prepared to learn.
Finally, a number of families are celebrating Eid early next week. I wish you all the best and hope you have a fantastic time. Eid Mubarak!
Have a great weekend.
Mr A Jacobs