Changes to loaned uniform
Posted 10th March 2025
Dear family
I am writing to provide an update to our uniform policy and the arrangements for loaning uniform when required.
At present we are loaning a large amount of uniform to students, and this is not always returned at great cost to the school. This is money that is being spent on uniform, as opposed to equipment and learning resources for the wider school.
From Monday 17 March, if a student needs to be loaned uniform, we will still provide this. However, when uniform is loaned, we expect a student to provide their mobile phone (or something else of value), which would be stored in a safe in Student Reception. The student’s phone (or other item) would then be returned when the borrowed item of uniform is returned.
Should a student not return an item of uniform by the end of the following day, this item of uniform would then be charged to the family through parent pay so the school is able to purchase replacement loan uniform. After being charged, we would not expect a family to return the item. At this point if the item is returned late, we would not be able to issue a refund.
Thank you for your continued support in upholding high expectations of both behaviour and uniform.
Yours faithfully
Mr J McCormack
Assistant Vice Principal