Dixons Unity Academy | Frequently Asked Questions
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Dixons Unity Academy

Frequently Asked Questions


Are there school buses?

Unfortunately, there is not a school bus service. The 16, 4 and 15 bus routes operate locally and within walking distance of the academy.

If my child cycles to school, can they store their bicycle securely?

Yes, we have cycle sheds and a locked storage space for bicycles. All bicycles are stored at the owner’s risk.


What is a cashless system?

To reduce the risk of students carrying cash to and from the academy, we operate a cashless catering system. The academy uses the ParentPay system which allows parents to add funds to their child's account, these funds can then be used to purchase items in our canteen. ParentPay also allows parents to monitor what their child is eating. Where students need to bring cash into the academy, they can top up their accounts using ‘reval’ machines which are located across the academy.

How and when will I receive log in details?

Students will receive this when they are inducted in to the academy.

What is Breakfast Club?

All students are encouraged to attend the Breakfast Club whereby, they can enjoy free cereal, toast and porridge. This runs from 7.00-7.50am.

What is a Biometric Fingerprint?

Students use a biometric system to access their lunch accounts and pay for items in the canteen. An image of the students fingerprint is converted into a binary code that is stored by the system – we do not keep images of student’s fingerprints.

How does my child register on the Biometric System?

We do this in school as part of the induction process.

What methods of payment can be used to credit an account?

All credits to student accounts should be made using the ParentPay system. Where this is not possible, we do have ‘reval’ machines located throughout the students which allow students to top up their accounts using cash.

What happens if my child’s account is not in credit?

Student accounts are not permitted to enter a debt. If a student does not have enough credit on their account for lunch, the academy will contact parents.

How do ‘free school meal’ entitlements work?

Free school meals can only be taken at lunchtime and must be used for a full meal deal. The entitlement will be automatically allocated to the student's account as a credit each day and the purchasing process is no different.

Can anyone else use my child’s account?

No, the use of the Biometric system ensures that only your child can access their account. Where you have refused Biometric consent, your child will be issued with a 4 digit PIN but this is not as secure and the management of this is the sole responsibility of your child.

My child has an allergy, how will this be monitored?

Following receipt of medical information, your child’s account on the catering system will be updated to reflect any allergies. This information will flag to the catering staff when your child purchases items from the canteen. The catering contractor follow all best practice and government requirements around the allergen labelling of all food prepared in the kitchens.

Can I request a printed report of my child’s meal intake?

Yes – if you cannot access ParentPay, contact the academy will be able to print a report for you.


Are there opportunities for clubs etc after school?

Yes. We have a range of after school clubs.

What type of clubs are there?

Sporting clubs, Lego club, Mixed Martial Arts, Sign Language, Gardening, Walking, Chess, Debating, History club – and many more!

When do they run or when will I find out the offer?

We will write to you to let you know the clubs available and the process for your child to register for one (or more) of the clubs.


I have returned my electronic forms as requested by DUA. I have an update on my child’s medical condition-what do I do?

The academy has a dedicated Safeguarding and Wellbeing Officer who is responsible for student medical information. Contact the academy and we will arrange a meeting to update your child’s medical record.


What if my child doesn’t feel 100%?

Every lesson counts in your child’s journey to their dream job therefore, so their attendance is crucial. Unless your child is really ill, we would expect them to attend.

My child is ill, what do I do?

If your child is too poorly to attend school, you need to contact the attendance team.

What will happen if my child’s attendance drops below 90% (5 days off school across the year)

If your child has attendance below 90% (with no legitimate reason) they fall into the category ‘Persistence Absentee’. This means we will work with Leeds City Council and your child would be placed on a fast track. If there were no improvement, this process can lead to both parents / guardians being fined by Leeds City Council.

I want my child to take time off school for a holiday?

We do not authorise any holidays during term time. We work with Leeds City Council and fines are issued to the parents / guardians of every child in the family who has been absent for a holiday.

My child has a medical appointment in school time, what should I do?

We ask that every attempt be made to have medical appointments after school so students don’t miss valuable learning. If this is unavoidable, we expect your child to attend before and after the appointment and you must provide evidence of the appointment so we can mark the absence as authorised.

My child meets the academy expectation of 97+%

We recognise students’ resilience and attendance with money vouchers to spend in the canteen, ‘love to shop’ gift vouchers and termly celebrations including movie events and pizza parties. We also invite our high attending students to the Recognition assemblies every cycle. The biggest reward for high attendance is making progress and receiving the grades they need to be successful.

What if child is late to the academy?

Every student is expected to be at the academy by 7.55am at the latest so they can go to their lockers before morning meetings begin. If your child is late without a very good reason, they will receive a detention for that night after school. Punctuality is an important skills to learn in preparation for working life.


What will my child study in year 7?

We try to make sure the curriculum is broad in Year 7 so all students will study a large range of subjects. English, maths, science, Spanish, history, geography, RE, PE, drama, music and art.


Do you know what my child’s needs are?

We have liaised with all primary schools and our Inclusion team is in the process of calling all families of students with SEND.

What SEND provision do you offer?

We offer a range of different support. Please refer to the SEND Information Report for more details.

Who do I contact if I have concerns around my child’s needs?

Please contact our SENDCo Ms McFarlane via email to mmcfarlane@dixonsua.com

Academy and parent communication

Will I be informed if my child is staying after school for an enrichment club, event or detention?

Attending an enrichment club is not compulsory and we expect students to inform their parents if they intend to stay behind on a given date. All clubs are registered so if you are unsure, you can call reception. If your child is issued a detention you will be informed of this and duration via text message.

How will the Academy communicate with me on a day to day basis?
  • Notes in planner
  • Text messages home
  • Phone calls home
  • School website
  • Letters
How do I contact staff at Dixons Academy?

You can send an email to info@dixonsua.com and this will be forwarded to the particular member of staff.


My child be recognised for meeting the Unity expectation?

We take every opportunity to recognise our students for meeting the Unity expectations. Students are awarded achievement points for meeting our core values of resilience, respect and integrity during lessons, social time and enrichment.

Every member of staff makes a recognition phone call to at least one student every week.

Our staff contribute appreciations every week for students who have met and exceeded expectations. These are celebrated at our Friday Morning Meeting and also published on our website weekly. Every cycle we have a Recognition Assembly, this is an opportunity for all subjects to nominate students who have gone above and beyond during the cycle.