- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Uniform
- Curriculum
- Attendance
- 2 - 5 year plan
- Family support
- Leadership
- School meals
- Remote learning
- Careers education
- Examinations
- Performance tables
- Policies and documents
- Parent Portal Guides
- Governance
- Ofsted
- Research School
- The Lord Kalms Bursary
- GDPR & Privacy
- Year 9 Options
- Students views on the Year 9 Options available
Uniform shows pride in our appearance and pride in being a member of the Dixons Unity community. If a child requires a uniform adjustment due to medical reasons, then evidence must be provided. If students breach any part of our uniform code, they will either be given temporary uniform to wear or will be sat in reset until their uniform is perfect. If a student borrows uniform, it must be returned at the end of the school day. If an item is not returned a reminder will be sent to the family. If following the reminder, the item is still not returned then the cost of the item will be charged to the ParentPay account.
Perfect uniform at Dixons Unity means:
- Black trousers (not jeans, leggings or tracksuit bottoms).
- White buttoned shirt.
- Grey, navy or black blazer and / or jumper.
- Black polishable shoes or boots (not trainers or pumps).
- No jewellery except a plain watch (smart watches are not allowed). A Sikh Kara may also be worn.
- No unnatural hair colours. No false nails. No false eyelashes.
- Students can opt to wear plain black salwar kameez or tunic with a white blouse / shirt. with the academy blazer over the top.
- Hijabs, scarves, turbans, crowns, and top knots, worn for religious reasons, must be plain black and well secured.
- Academy bag in the correct colour for their year group (graffiti free) – provided by Dixons Unity in the first instance.
PE kit at Dixons Unity is as follows:
- Academy navy polo shirt
- Navy shorts, tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings (branded or unbranded).
- Trainers (indoor and outdoor).
- Optional items: Academy navy quarter zip top
If jewellery is seen in the building it will be confiscated, placed in an envelope, and taken to reception to be placed in the safe for an adult family member to collect. The academy accepts no responsibility for items that are lost or damaged following confiscation.
Coats must be removed before entering the academy. Coats are not allowed to be worn inside the building. They will be confiscated and placed in student reception until the end of the day if they are worn.
Uniform can be purchased from Uniwears: https://www.uniwears.co.uk/sea...
Help with school uniforms
If you are struggling with the costs of school uniform, please contact us at the Unity Community (or school reception) as we may be able to help you.
Alternatively, there are other organisations in the area who provide a free service.
- The LS12 Uniform Scheme aims to bridge the gap and assist those that cannot afford brand new uniforms by recycling good quality uniform and passing it on at no cost, to those in need. Find them on Facebook or email them.
The behaviour policy linked below gives full details of our recognition, learning habits and consequences.
Downloads |
WTD: positive behaviour (PDF) |