- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Uniform
- Curriculum
- Attendance
- 2 - 5 year plan
- Family support
- Leadership
- School meals
- Remote learning
- Careers education
- Examinations
- Performance tables
- Policies and documents
- Parent Portal Guides
- Governance
- Ofsted
- Research School
- The Lord Kalms Bursary
- GDPR & Privacy
- Year 9 Options
- Students views on the Year 9 Options available
Parent Portal Guides
Stay connected and informed by downloading our essential apps MCAS and My Evolve and using the webpage Parent Pay. This webpage will explain the purpose of each portal and tell you how to download and sign up them!
MCAS (My Child at School)
MCAS gives you real time access to attendance, timetables, assessment and behaviour data for your child.
Where do I download the app?
How do I sign up?
- Follow the link here: MyChildAtSchool - Sign Up
- Enter the school postcode - LS12 3DS
- Enter your email address (ensure that it is the one you provided to us)
- Enter the one time password sent to your email address
My Evolve
My Evolve details all of our extra curricular clubs, enrichment clubs and school trips.
Where do I download the app?
How do I sign up?
- Follow the link here: Set Up Account (edufocus.co.uk) - note, this cannot be done from the app
- Enter your email address (ensure that it is the one you provided to us)
Parent Pay
Parent Pay is our cashless payment system. We collect payments for meals, trips and more on this app.
How do I sign up?
- Collect the activation letter from Main Reception (if you have not previously signed up)
- Follow the link here: ParentPay
- Type in the username and password provided in the activation letter. Be sure not to confuse the letter 'l' (for lima) with '1' (one) or the number '0' (zero) with the letter 'o' (for Oscar)
- Confirm the details for your child(ren) are correct
What if I am still struggling?
Should you require support with accessing any of these applications please contact Main Reception and our admin team will be available to support you. Alternatively, you can drop in to our Unity Community every Friday between 9.45am and 11.30am.