- About
- Mission, values and drivers
- Dixons Academies Trust
- Our academy day
- Uniform
- Curriculum
- Attendance
- 2 - 5 year plan
- Family support
- Leadership
- School meals
- Remote learning
- Careers education
- Examinations
- Performance tables
- Policies and documents
- Parent Portal Guides
- Governance
- Ofsted
- Research School
- The Lord Kalms Bursary
- GDPR & Privacy
- Year 9 Options
- Students views on the Year 9 Options available
Our trust has three levels of governance. Our members are the protectors and custodians of our trust and make sure that our values are respected and upheld. They hold our trustees to account for the governance of our trust. Our trustees set the strategic direction of our trust. They are responsible for compliance with all financial regulations and are accountable to our members and the Department for Education. For more details about our trustees, visit the Trust website.
The third tier is a local academy board who are accountable to the community in which they serve and are part of our focus on community anchoring, where the academy is at the heart of the community and everyone has shared responsibility to provide a safe, healthy environment for our children to develop. They are tasked with meaningful engagement with local stakeholders and provide our trustees with expert intelligence from the local tier to drive strategy.
The full powers and duties are laid out in our Scheme of Delegation, which can be found on our trust website Document library
Local academy boards do not deal with complaints (until they reach stage 3) and if you have a concern please contact the academy as per our complaints policy which can be downloaded below.